Friday, March 15, 2013

All New X-Men, All New Bendis

I have never been a huge fan of Brian Michael Bendis. I give him credit for starting the Ultimate Universe, but his "Big Event" stories would often be lackluster and make me go like this, but for all you readers who share my opinion "All New X-Men" is actually pretty damn good. The story so far is after the events of AvXBeast went back to the past and brought the original X-Men (CyclopsJean GreyIcemanAngel, and himself) to the present in hopes that the present Cyclops will see the error of his ways. 
One of the most enjoyable parts is all of the past characters finding out what happened to them in the future and seeing the difference between the present and past X-Men. Beast finds out that he becomes blue and furry by his own doing, Angel was reborn into a different person, Jean Grey is dead, and Cyclops became a terrorist. The original X-Men trying to fit into current times is entertaining especially with the technology and pop culture difference. Also got to love Stuart Immonen's art.

Overall I'm pretty sure that Marvel made a time machine, went back to grab Bendis at his prime to write comics now and that's what gave him the idea for "All New X-Men". If you are new to comics and curious about X-Men then check this comic out! Just read up on what happened in AvX or get that as well.

Bravo Bendis.


  1. I always wonder, how many Xmen are there?

    1. Honestly it is almost impossible to tell. There are so many characters that have been made and sometimes they are forgotten about, or left in limbo. Sometimes they die, and sometimes people who aren't mutants become X-Men and sometimes mutants lose their powers.
