So the big question is how can someone pick after Geoff Johns? It is like having a big project due in class and the smart kid who always gets A's and has a really awesome topic presented his right before you. Geoff Johns has had great runs like Teen Titans, The Flash, JSA, Infinite Crisis I mean the list goes on, but Green Lantern was his baby. He completely revolutionized many characters and concepts. Look at the animated series, that show is heavly influenced by Johns's comics. He brought Hal Jordan back from the dead and I've been recently reading Grant Morrison's JLA and you can see how much Kyle Rayner has grown over the years. Before Geoff Johns, Guy Gardner was Warrior, does anyone else remember that? And let's be honest Johns did us all a favor by giving Guy his ring back. Well enough praise to Mr. Johns let's get to the review.

Green Lantern issue 21 was written by Robert Venditti (New in comics, but wrote a great underestimated comic called Demon Knights and brought Valiant back with X-O Man of War) and artist Billy Tan. So far this is exactly how a first issue should start! It begins with showing us a glimpse into a not so far future. I was shocked about the chaos that was taking place and wanted so desperately to see what happens next. So those of you who don't know yet, after the guardians died in the events of Wrath of the First Lantern (Kind of necessary since the guardians were dicks Alpha Lanterns, Lobotomizing Ganthet, trying to kill the Lanterns) Hal Jordan is picked to lead the Green Lantern Corps by the new guardians. The new guardians have been locked away for thousands of years or more and need to explore the universe and better understand it before they can take their role. This can be a great opportunity for Hal, he talks about how he actually has to think about how he does things instead of being impulsive which is what he usually does.

Hal isn't the only one getting a new position, Salaak has quit his position and Kilowog is taking over. This small thing excites me since Salaak is one of my favorite non-human Green Lanterns, but hopefully Kilowog still sees some action. There is a visit from an old friend, new faces, some subplot, we see Kyle Rayner in a scene that I assume goes more into detail in New Guardians. There is also a page showing what is to come of the series showing various new enemies including the upcoming villain Relic. Overall great start and can't wait to see where this goes. The only thing I didn't like was that Hal and Carol are fighting about their relationship. I mean how many times are they going to do this, but I guess it would be boring if they were calm and happy. At least Carol's new Star Sapphire costume isn't ridiculously slutty. Go pick up this comic now you poozers!!! Looking forward to see the other creative teams as well.

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